The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
595 lines
Version 1.OOA
CGA or Monochrome
(C) Copyright 1989
Raymond M. Buti
All Rights Reserved
United Innovations Plus
Post Office Box 21081
Castro Valley, Ca. 94546
(415) 886-0958
This software is distributed as ShareWare. What this means is,
you a granted free license to use, copy and distribute this
software as often as you wish so long as the following
restrictions have been met:
1 - When distributing this software, it must be in its
original unmodified form. The ARCed or Compressed .EXE
version of this software will only be distributed to
Bulletin Board Systems and computer information exchanges,
i.e. The Great American Dream Machine (415)-581-3019, GEnie,
Delphi, The Source, Compuserve etc.
2 - Prior written consent from United Innovations Plus must be
obtained before a fee or charge is made for copying or
distribution, with the exception of the computer information
exchanges as mentioned above.
3 - This software shall not be included with other programs,
goods, services, etc. without prior written consent from
United Innovations Plus with the exception of the computer
information exchanges as mentioned above.
United Innovations Plus requires you to register this software
if you plan on using it. Registered users will receive the
latest version with all options available, full support and
notification of later releases. Please note that not all
options and functions are available with this Shareware
release. To register your copy of this software, please use the
Registration Form and make checks payable to United
Innovations Plus.
PROGRAMS ON DISK ............................................. 1
PROGRAMS REQUIRED TO RUN PIG ................................. 1
PIG RULES .................................................... 1
STARTING PIG ................................................. 1
MAIN PLAYING SCREEN .......................................... 2
MAIN OPTIONS ................................................. 2
PLAY OPTIONS ................................................. 3
SETUP MENU ................................................... 3
SETUP OPTIONS ................................................ 4
SCORING ...................................................... 4
HIGH SCORES .................................................. 5
SHAREWARE VERSION ............................................ 5
OTHER PROGRAMS ............................................... 5
CASINO/GAMBLING GAMES .................................... 5
SOLITAIRE GAMES .......................................... 5
OTHER GAMES .............................................. 5
UTILITIES ................................................ 5
REGISTRATION FORM ............................................ 6
The following is list of file names that you should have on your
distribution disk.
File Name File Description
Pig .Exe - The main program for Pig.
Pig .Doc - The documentation for Pig.
PStart .Bat - A batch file to read the documentation,
print the documentation and install Pig
on a Hard Drive.
PRead .Com - Used by PStart.Bat
PReply .Com - Used by PStart.Bat
PIntro - Used by PStart.Bat
PPrt - Used by PStart.Bat
PHd - Used by PStart.Bat
PigReg - Registration Form
Pig1AS .Arc - Shareware Version of Pig
The only file required to play PIG is PIG.EXE. In order for Pig
to keep tract of the game history, you must be in the directory
where this file resides while playing the game.
The game of Pig is played with one die and any number of players
may play. In this computer game, you play against Mr. Pig.
When you first start playing, the computer will decide who goes
first, you or Mr. Pig. Once the game is won, the winner starts
the next game.
The first player to act, tosses the die as many times as he
desires, adding the numbers shown on the die. If the player
throws and ace, it cancels out whatever score he has made on
that turn. The player may stop throwing and pass the die to the
next player at any time, but he must throw the die at least
once. If the die is passed before throwing an ace, the player
is credited with the sum of the numbers he has thrown on that
turn. The first player to reach a total count of 100 is
declared the winner.
From your DOS prompt, type PIG and press ENTER. Your monitor
will display the opening screen. After a few seconds, or until
you hit a key, the main playing screen will appear.
- 1 -
The upper right portion of the Main Screen will display the
options available to you prior to starting the game (See Main
Options). Below the main options you will see, "Game at 100
Points". This is letting you know the total points required to
win the game. This may be changed to 200 (See Setup Menu).
The lower right portion of the screen will display the
Mr. Pig Won
Player Won
Total Games
Best Score
The computer will keep tract of the amount of games won by Mr.
Pig and you the Player, the total games played and the best
score achieved.
The upper right portion of your screen will display the
following options available to you prior to starting a game:
F1 Start Game
F3 Setup Options
F5 Pig Scoring
F8 High Scores
F10 Quit
F1 - Pressing Function 1 will start a game of Pig. You may
also press the ENTER key in place of the F1 key if you
prefer. When this is done, the Main Options will be
replaced with the Play Options.
A Pig button will be placed to the side of the players
scoring box, letting you know whose turn it is. If the
Pig button moves to Mr. Pig, he will proceed to play the
game. When the button moves to the players area, the
computer will wait for your response (See Play Options ).
F3 - Pressing Function 3 will bring up a screen displaying
some options you may want to change. When these are
changed, they are made permanent until changed again
(See Setup Menu).
F5 - Pressing Function 5 will bring up a screen describing the
scoring method used by Pig (See Scoring).
F8 - Pressing Function 8 will bring up the high scores (See
High Scores).
F10 - Pressing Function 10 will quit the game of Pig and return
you to your Dos prompt.
- 2 -
After you have pressed either F1 or ENTER from the Main Options,
the upper right portion of the screen will display your play
options. You should see the following:
ENTER Toss the die
END Pass the die
F10 Quit
If it's your turn to toss the die, you must respond by pressing
one of the three keys before the computer will know what to do.
ENTER - Pressing the ENTER key will toss the die. The die will
move around and finally stop to the right of your score
box. The number shown on the die will be added to the
points you have showing, indicated by the large numbers.
Below the large point numbers will be your score. The
score will change if you are currently ahead of Mr. Pig
(See Scoring). Keep pressing the ENTER key until you
decide you wish to stop and retain the points you've
END - Pressing the END key will indicate you are through
tossing the die. The points you have accumulated will
not be lost. The Pig button will move to Mr. Pigs area
and he will continue playing until he decides to pass or
he tosses an ace. If you had tossed an ace (Pigged Out),
you would have lost the points you have accumulated
during that round only. When you Pig Out, you will not
have to press the END key.
F10 - When you press the Function 10 key, you are quitting.
When you quit before the game has been won, you are
surrendering and Mr. Pig will be credited with the win
but his score will not be entered into the high scores.
He doesn't like quitters and feels he most likely would
have won anyway.
Play will continue in this manner until the game is won by
either you or Mr. Pig, or until you press the F10 key.
The Setup Menu is reached by pressing F3 from the Main Options.
A new screen will appear displaying the following options and
default settings:
1 Sound On
2 Save High Games Off
3 Sliding Screens On
4 Snow Removal Off
5 Dice Speed 20
6 Winning Game Score 100
- 3 -
1 - Use this key to turn your sound either On of Off.
2 - If you want to save your high scores to disk, be sure this
option is On.
3 - While going from one screen to another, the screens will
slide open. If this causes snow or you would rather not see
it happen, you may turn it off with this option.
4 - Use this option if you are experiencing snow.
5 - You may wish to change the speed of the movement of the die
when being tossed. This will change the speed of the game.
The bottom of your screen will display the following
Use your LEFT/RIGHT Arrow keys to decrease or increase the
speed setting. The lower the number, the faster the speed.
Press the ENTER key if you want to see the effect the speed
setting has on the die movement. When you are satisfied
with the setting, press the Function 10 key when your done.
6 - By default, the game is won as soon as either player reaches
100 points. This may be changed to 200 points by pressing
the number 6 option. Press the number 6 key again to change
it back to 100 points.
The winners score is determined by the difference in points
between each player. The point difference is multiplied by 10.
This figure is your score which is shown below the points you've
accumulated towards a game win.
EXAMPLE: Mr. Pig wins with 102 points. Player has 72 points.
The difference in points is 30. Multiplying 30 x 10 would give
Mr. Pig a score of 300.
The final score would depend on how many times the winner pigged
out. 5 points will be deducted for each ace that has been
tossed. In the example above, if Mr. Pig tossed a total of 5
aces before winning the game, his final score of 300 would be
deducted by 25 points. This would give Mr. Pig a final score of
275. Your final score will never get below 1 point.
A BONUS of 100 points is awarded if you have won the game
without pigging out. In the example above, if Mr. Pig never
tossed an ace, he would have a final score of 400.
During the game, if you are ahead your score will always been a
number greater than 0, otherwise your score will show a 0.
- 4 -
When you press the Function 8 key from the Main Options, your
screen will display the score of the top 15 Pig players. This
will show the players name, a number of either 100 or 200
indicating the game points, the players final score, and the
date the score was achieved. The bottom line of your screen
will display the amount of times you have beaten Mr. Pig. To
leave this screen, press the ENTER key.
The ShareWare version of Pig does not support the saving of
high scores to disk, the saving of the setup options, or the
game counters. We have left a few options available for
registered users. These minor restrictions will not effect the
game in anyway. After you have played Pig for a reasonable
time, we ask for your support by sending in your
registration. Registered users will receive the latest
Registered Version, with full saving features, and the latest
ShareWare Version.
* Shareware programs will run on CGA or Monochrome
Monochrome unless otherwise noted.
*Lowball Poker Draw Poker Baccarat
Roulette *Blackjack Connoisseur *Chuck-a-Luck
*Holdem Poker *Knock Poker *Red Dog
*Pyramid *Poker *Osmosis
*Accordion Baker (VGA Only)
*SuJu *Pig
DCS EU Kill DX CDate
- 5 -
Registration entitles the user to full support, upgrade
notifications, discounts on all programs and future programs.
Version 1.00A Registration
Registration Fee 5 1/4" disk $15.00 _______
Registration Fee 3 1/2" disk $17.00 _______
All 22 Shareware versions on 5 1/4" disks $ 8.00 _______
All 22 Shareware versions on 3 1/2" disks $10.00 _______
Foreign orders add $ 5.00 _______
Total $ _______
Name _______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City _____________________________ St. ______ Zip __________
Computer System ________________________________________________
Please check one: MONO____ CGA____ EGA____ VGA____
Where did you acquire this version of Pig
Comments & Suggestions
United Innovations Plus
Make checks payable to: Post Office Box 21081
Castro Valley, CA 94546
- 6 -